Heather Wolff Griffin

COO & General Counsel
Prior to assuming her current position with Jet Sense Aviation, LLC, Heather Wolff Griffin gained over twenty years of experience in the legal field. Heather started her career in a support staff role working with the in-house counsel of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., a global independent safety company headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois, followed by working as a Paralegal for a now Cook County Judge for approximately six years. After earning her J.D. from IIT-Chicago Kent College of Law, Heather worked as an Associate for the largest law firm in her home county before accepting a position as Corporate Counsel for a healthcare management company in Chicago, where she devoted her time and skills for just over 10 years providing counseling on various issues including commercial transactions, employment matters, internal investigations, litigation, policies & procedures, risk management, corporate compliance, etc., and was appointed & acted as the organization’s HIPAA Privacy Officer.

Over the years, Heather has been a member of numerous associations, including most recently Defense Research Institute and Association of Corporate Counsel. Heather has also been a licensed insurance producer in the State of Illinois since 1998.

As COO and General Counsel, Heather works closely with Jet Sense Aviation, LLC’s CEO, Brett Forrester, to develop the company’s overall strategic planning process, implement initiatives, and serve to make the company’s vision a reality, while also having operational responsibility including assisting the sales and acquisition team in delivering measurable, cost-effective results to its clients in a timely manner. Heather loves to travel with her Husband, a Manager for a global pharmaceutical company, and is thrilled to be part of the aviation industry.